The holidays are a time to spend with family. It is a joyous season, a time for giving; sharing food and drink; exchanging gifts; wishing one another well; listening; contemplating; having peace and quiet; and being still. For many people, everything comes to a halt around the Christmas season, and the resulting space provides a vital opportunity to take stock and prepare for the future.
It is now the time for New Year’s resolutions, and despite the fact that many people are, by nature, sceptical, those who are successful make change happen on January 2 and continue to do so throughout the year.
Someone to whom you do not feel affection cannot get anything from you. The expression on Emma Thompson’s face when she opened the Joni Mitchell CD on Christmas day and heard Alan Rickman say, “For your continuous musical education,” in Love Actually said everything that needed to be known about the situation. Thompson anticipated the Necklace that she had discovered in the coat pocket of her husband after attending a shopping expo. (Remember that funny moment with Rowan Atkinson where he was wrapping gifts?) What she got was anguish, along with an intensified feeling that, for her, that Christmas day was the day everything came to a halt. Although we do not know how or whether the days between Christmas and New Year’s settled the relationship, there was definitely the impression that someone important to the Emma Thompson character had passed away.
Of course, this was a movie, and it was frequently screened during the holiday season since Christmas is a time when people’s emotions run high, and the plot of the film contains a moral that can be drawn from the exaggerations.
However, based on our previous experiences, we know that this break will invariably reveal a marriage or relationship that isn’t joyful, and for some married couples, the month of January is the ideal moment to walk on.
There is a risk that one’s feelings will take precedence. Disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Sadness.
The adversarial nature of the regular judicial procedure will almost probably make such feelings worse.
On the other side, Family Mediation Milton Keynes provides a method that is more respectful and constructive. During the holiday season, there will certainly be the dissolution of some marriages and partnerships.
Why going to Mediation Milton Keynes can be helpful
The parties are able to look at the situation objectively and without pointing fingers throughout the Mediation Milton Keynes process. Regardless of whether there are children involved or not, both parties can and will, with the help of an experienced mediator, get their financial houses in order so that they can both go on with their lives and start over. The Family Mediator can make it possible for both parties to have this freedom, which they will both want and enjoy.
If there are children involved, the court will always decide any issue according to what is in their best interests, even if the argument is about something completely unrelated to the children. And Family Mediation Milton Keynes is a very powerful tool to prevent court intervention, specifically because, with skilled intervention, both parties come to the realisation that they only want the best for their children, and working together to make this happen is a positive testament to a relationship which, although it is over, survives for the long term future for the ongoing benefit of the children. This is why Family Mediation is such a powerful tool to prevent court intervention: because both parties come to the realisation that they only want the best for their children, and working together Just because a marriage has run its course does not indicate that the parents will cease cooperating for the sake of their children at any point in the future.